The past few years have seen many
accessions to the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and
Extra-judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters, sponsored by the Hague Conference on Private
International Law. Columbia, Montenegro,
Armenia have all acceded to the convention this year, and Moldova will next
year. In 2011, Malta, Morocco, and Serbia acceded. In 2010
Australia and Belize acceded, and in 2010, and in 2009 another three – Iceland, Bosnia-Herzegovina
and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia acceded, for a total of twelve new countries.
The convention has been in force in most major trading
nations and in most highly populated nations for several years, but this surge
in accessions gives the Convention much needed momentum. Too many important and populous nations have
yet to accede, including Indonesia, Bangladesh and Singapore, and even Hague
Conference members Brazil, Malaysia, and the
Philippines. Among nations in the Middle East, a remarkable
number have yet to accede, including
Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, the Sultanate of Oman, Qatar,
Iran, Iraq, and – despite the importance of Dubai as an international centre --
the United Arab Emirates. The
convention is in force in Israel, Egypt and Kuwait.
Service of originating process (e.g. statements of claim or notices
of application) in non-Convention countries can be cumbersome. In
some of these countries, personal service by a private process server is illegal. Instead, one must obtain letters rogatory.
This is an instrument by which a Canadian court requests that the foreign
country’s court permit service of the Canadian statement of claim. The instrument is transmitted via diplomatic
channels. Service of the claim can take a year or longer. Even
in countries where service by private
process server is not illegal, service by letters rogatory is nonetheless advisable
if one intends to enforce the judgment in that country.
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